About Us
About Property X
Buy property without the usual barriers of hefty deposits and hefty instalment payments. Buy property on a pay as you go basis. Buy property on demand
Start by buying property shares or property unit trusts in property development projects but the end game is for you to eventually have your own separate free hold property. Make property development profits. Even a few dollars can now buy you property! No more barriers to buying property.
This is a property fund that is designed to help people buy property in an easier way. The end game for this fund is for a person to eventually exit in specie, that is get a property in place of their capital property units or share purchases plus their property development profits. A person or institution initially starts by buying, owning and holding property in the form of shares or property units. These property units or shares earn the holder property development profits because their money is invested in property development projects. As a result, their capital purchases earn property development profits. Since the primary objective is acquisition of property in an easier way, the units/shares holder eventually aggregates their capital share purchases plus their property development profits and get a property of their choice that is equivalent to their aggregate value accrued over time. This method therefore breaks down the barriers to ownership of property in that one can start their property ownership journey without having to pay hefty deposits and painful hefty monthly instalments. The buyer pays as and when they have got money, and any amount not less than $15 usd. This fund delivers the process of buying of property on a Pay As You Go Basis and On Demand.
Your pension fund and insurance premiums money has always been invested in property development projects. It is your money that has for time immemorial been used for building the skyscrapers that you see in every capital of the world. The only difference is that you have never owned that property. You have never had direct ownership of that property. Property X is a Property Fund that changes all of that. This property fund, gives you direct ownership of the property(ies) into which your money is invested in. Every dollar you contribute gets to buy you a property share in the properties owned via the Property Fund. Over time, you then get to aggregate your capital payments plus the property development profits your money makes, to get a separate property or properties of your own.
Buy property without the usual barriers of hefty deposits and hefty instalment payments. Buy property on a pay as you go basis. Buy property on demand. Start by buying property shares or property unit trusts in property development projects, but the end game is for you to eventually have your own separate free hold property. Make property development profits. Even a few dollars can now buy you property! No more barriers to buying property.
How Safe & Secure IS Your Money
This Fund like many, has a market-wide accountability structure and is not a Ponzi scheme. Pension Fund Money has always been used for property development for time immemorial. All we have done is give ownership directly to the contributors. Property development profits are determined via independent valuations. It is a secure fund, run by a Fund Management Firm that is register with the Securities & Exchanges Commission. The Fund itself is a public fund and is also registered with the Securities & Exchanges Commission.
It’s overseen by a list of credible market players:
- Bakertilly Chattered Accountants & Auditors
- Crowe Chartered Accountants & Auditors
- Southpeople Capital Fund Management
- Knight Frank Property Valuers
- Southland Regional Property Development
- Wintertons Legal Practitioners
The buyer gets what the underlying property development projects give everyone. Overall, this investment vehicle offers a unique opportunity to access the property asset class in a more flexible and affordable way.
STEP 1 – Open an Account and Start Buying Property Shares/Units. Own Property Via Property Shares or Units. Earn Property Development Profits.
Each time the Fund Manager receives your payment, they syndicate the funds from several buyers and immediately deploy that money into property development projects, purchasing specific properties from different property development projects. You can visit these projects to see your money at work. This means that you initially start by owning property in the form of property shares or property units in property development projects. Keep buying more property shares in many different property development projects. Receive a monthly statement of account telling you the status of your capital payments plus property development profits up to the date of the statement of account. Keep growing your property value until your capital payments plus the additional funding that you get from property development profits add up to the purchase price of the property that you want.
STEP 2 – Describe The Property That You Eventually Want To Own (Your Own Separate Free Hold Title Property)
Initially, owning property via property shares or property unit means that you will only get your own separate property later when your capital payments plus funding from property development profits add up to the purchase price of the property you want. This description shall include
- Type of Property – stand, full developed house, or commercial property
- The location that you desire to eventually have your own separate property.
- The size of the property that you want.
- Other critical features
As a result of the above description, you can then get an estimate of the purchase price of the property that you want. That estimate will then guide your Pay As You Go plus Property development profits activities. Your funding plus our funding (property development profits) eventually take you to your desired redemption exit property. Eventually, you aggregate your capital payments plus your property developments profits to redeem your total value in the form of your own separate freehold titled property.
Statements of Accounts
We maintain and issue the following two statements of accounts for you:
- Statement of account of the property units you buy with each part payment, plus the returns that your money makes from our property development projects. This gives your total position cumulatively up to the date of the
- Monthly statement of account which gives you the progress you would have made towards your target property in square metres, based on your capital payments up to that point plus your profits up to that point, against a market purchase price rate. This effectively means that at any one time, you know your full accrued value in USD terms plus the total number of square metres towards your eventual desired redemption exit property.
Property X is a platform and product that helps you buy property without the usual barriers like deposit payments and hefty monthly instalments. First, you start by progressively buying property unit trusts, making these property units purchases from time to time, and only as and when you have got money. This means making these property unit trust purchases on a pay as you go basis.
Your money is invested into property development projects, thus earning you property development profits. Integration with mobile money and online payment platforms means that you can now buy these property units or shares on an on-demand basis, enabling you to now be able to efficiently and optimally deploy every few dollars you have, towards a worthwhile asset like property. This property fund is as secure as your family trust. Holds your property directly. Family trusts have protected family estates for centuries.
Your insurance premiums money and your pension fund contributions money, have for time immemorial, been used to build skylines property towers all over the world, but you have never owned those properties. Your money has been subjected to inflation while in reality, the properties that were built with your money remain there. This property fund changes all that. In this case, you own shares in the properties that are built using your money. Those shares earn you property development profits. The profits become additional funding towards your own separate property.
People’s pension fund or insurance money has always been invested in property development projects from time immemorial. In this case, however, unlike in pension funds and insurance products, you will have direct exposure and ownership of the underlying property assets.
The property development profits are distributed directly to you. This platform enables you to manage and track your capital purchases and their property development profits. You can visit these projects to see your money at work.
This is all done through licensed and regulated property trust funds and licensed and regulated Fund Managers. These Funds are audited per regulations. Your money is secure. All this is conducted through licensed and regulated Property Funds and licensed and regulated Fund Managers. To this end, make sure to conduct a full due diligence on the parties you deal with. The platform will onboard licensed Property Funds and licensed Fund Managers from whatever jurisdiction.
The end game is for you to eventual get your own separate free hold property.
So, this platform is primarily for creating an alternative way of buying property, as opposed to the traditional one that has many barriers to entry into ownership of property. This platform also has several derivative applications. A person can go through the process several times, helping them build up their own portfolio of separate freehold properties. A person may decide to hold property via property units, thus do so in a more liquid form. These property units can be sold between people. People can now hedge their pensions against inflation by holding property units instead of other asset classes that are susceptible to inflation. This means Pension Funds can now choose to do pension payouts in the form of property units as opposed to inflation susceptible cash.
Imagine how much you can build towards your own portfolio of properties, from the time you are born, if all your insurance and pension fund money was to go towards this method.
Imagine how secure your financial well-being would be? It is very hard to save towards paying deposits for the traditional way of buying property.
Saving is fought by consumption and life’s day-to-day needs. As a derivative, this platform will also help many save and build up towards the deposit payments that they need to buy property via the traditional way. A person no longer has to wait until they have lots of money. In this case, even a few dollars is now good enough for someone to start their property journey. After building up an amount equal to the deposit they need, people can then transition to the traditional method of buying property.
- No huge deposit lump sum
- No punitive installments
- No need for credit-checks
- No risk of losing the property due to financial difficulties
- No barrier to entry into property asset class
- Anyone can now buy property.
For Institutions
Protect your money from inflation and currency movements without the fear of capital intensiveness and construction risk that goes with property development. Get real returns on your investment. Buy property for your staff in part payments via this vehicle (avoid capital-intensive projects). Accrue a property portfolio via part payments as opposed to capital-intensive projects plus construction risk. Invest in property in a manner that helps keep your investment as a current asset as opposed to a long-term asset.
About Property Unit Trusts Generally
Property unit trusts are secure and provide real returns from property development projects. When you purchase property units, your money is immediately invested into property development projects. Additional Capital Payments Plus Property Development Profits all add up, accelerating you towards the Future Property of Your Choice.
In the case of Property X, you are eventually able to swap your units (capital plus profits) for a property when the value of your property units plus its returns from your property development projects becomes equal to the price of the property you want.
What are the objectives of Property X
- Enable people to start buying and owning property without the barriers of heft deposits, heft monthly instalments, credit checks and arduous processes.
- Enable people to start their property ownership journey from as little as 20 USD. Before Property X, a few dollars were never good enough to own property. Now it is possible!
- Enable people to make effective use of their liquidity. Each time someone has money, for the first time are now able to throw a few dollars towards buying property.
- Making property available on demand - this basically means that through the channels of Ecocash, Omari, Inn Bucks, Paynow, Finsec/C Trade and Property X application.
Our Corporate Governance Structure
Baker Tilly
Unit D & H, Block 1, Celestial Park, Borrowdale Road, Harare, Zimbabwe
James Chitupa
+263 (242) 369 730
+263 773 739 141
[email protected]
Legal Advisor
Wintertons Legal Practitioners
3 Pascoe Avenue, Belgravia, Harare, Zimbabwe
Denford Halimani
+263 (242) 250 113-26
+263 773 450 040
+263 732 475 717
[email protected]
External Property Valuer
Knight Frank
1st Floor, Finsure House, 86 Kwame Nkrumah Ave/Sam Nujoma, Harare, Zimbabwe
Francis Nyambiri
+263 (242) 793 841
[email protected]
7 Avon Rise Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe
Albert Tirivangani
+263 (242) 300 135/8
[email protected]
14th Floor, Social Security Center, Cnr Sam Nujoma Street/Julius Nyerere Way, Harare, Zimbabwe
Contact Centre
+263 8677 008 484
+263 772 565 555
[email protected]
Property Developer
Southland Regional
84 King George Rd, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe
Richard Chakweya
+263 8677 115 407/8
+263 733 292 912
[email protected]
Payment Platforms
Available on Google Play Store