Frequently asked questions
- This product is about an easier way to buy your own property.
- It’s a property ownership plan.
- It’s a method that breaks barriers to buying property. In this case, you can start even with USD 20.
- Visit our web app at
- Look for the registration or signup section on the homepage.
- Follow the prompts to create your account.
- For any questions or issues, contact our support team Ratie at 0778419182 or [email protected] and Trevor at 0772216043 or [email protected]
- Valid ID, such as National Identification card, driver’s license or passport.
- Proof of residence such as a utility bill or lease agreement.
- Property X is licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe.
- It adheres to a robust corporate governance structure to protect public funds.
- Has a Corporate governance structure that includes:
– Sec Zim as the Regulator
– Baker Tilly as Trustees
– Crowe as Auditors
– Wintertons as Legal Advisors
– Southpeople Capital Asset Management as Fund Managers.
– Southland Regional as the Developer
– NBS as Bankers
– Knight Frank as Property Valuers.
Your units will continue to earn property development profits until such a time your family decides what to do with them.
- The Fund pools money from different contributors.
- It purchases properties through Agreements of Sale with developers.
- These are Properties that are actively undergoing development or value addition (e.g., houses under construction or land being developed).
- Property development profits accrue from these value addition processes, not from simple revaluation gains on completed properties.
Yes, you will be sent regular notifications and communication regarding the performance of your property ownership plan.
- This vehicle is like holding property via a family trust whose several members own one or more properties.
- Policy changes will never affect this type of property ownership.
- Some Family Trust have existed for hundreds of years past world wars, global economic collapses and technological advancements that have rendered some sectors and assets valueless but properties owned via Family Trusts are still secured.
- You will have direct ownership of your shares in property through this fund and no political changes will affect your ownership.
- Property Unit Trust certificates are liquid and transferable.
- The fund can repurchase your certificates using funds from other investors.
- When additional liquidity is needed, the fund can sell specific properties.
- A portion of the fund’s valuation reserve is maintained in hard currency to facilitate exits.
- Alternatively, holders can sell their certificates to other interested parties.
- The payment amounts are flexible and based on your capacity. You design your own targets.
- You decide how much and when to contribute, you design your own payment plan.
You can download the Property X app from the Google Play Store.
You can also use our web app at
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